Creation of the LLC THE was motivated by the need to manage multiple companies and to link different projects under one single management.
THE LLC have a team of professionals’ earlier working on senior positions for several international companies. From real-life gathered knowledge and skills help us to provide high level quality service to our customers.
THE LLC activities are international; our business partners are based in
the different countries and continents. Our expertise in local culture and business practices provide us an advantage in front other companies.
Areas of action
THE LLC activities have two directions, which are in direct supporting each other.
1. Consulting is based on the skills and knowledge from the real activities,
participation in entrepreneurship gives us an invaluable baggage. THE LLC collaboration in entrepreneurship in various countries and businesses can help us to find new solutions and can provide you the special business model, just suitable for your goals.
2. Investing is based on knowledge collected from entrepreneurship and from the partners’ recommendations.
The Company values
THE LLC in its operations is guided by corporate values, which are required
to comply with and execute.
• Confidentiality - what was entrusted to us the remains only with us
• Integrity - we do not give blank and empty promises
• Persistence - taken work must be done at the end
• Up-to-date - keep pace with shifting world, to evolve and adapt in